
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Afican Elephant.

The African Elephant

The African elephant is the largest land mammal, and is now in the list of endangered species

These elephants are endangered mostly due to
-loss of habitat
-poached for their meat and ivory tusks

Elephants are important as in tropical forests, elephants create clearings and gaps in the canopy that encourage tree regeneration.
In the savannas, they can reduce bush cover to create an environment favorable to a mix of browsing and grazing animals.
Many plant species also rely on elephants as they have seeds that are dependent on passing through an elephant's digestive tract before they can germinate

How to do your part to save them?

-During the Hols, visit natural reserves or even the Zoo or Bird park to learn more about animals
-Reading about endangered animals in books at the library
-Maybe even start a blog( like me! =) )
to share the knowledge with others!

For more examples, visit>> http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/endangered_animals/howtohelp.htm

8:13 PM
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<-- Priscilla -->
You can call me the animal lover
Tryin to make a difference in wildlife =)
I can't tolerate people who are cruel to animals
So make sure you treat animals with care! ><
A little help goes a long way! =D

To have a dog
To be a Vet
Get to volunteer in the SPCA
Learn how to ride a horse
To work in the Singapore Zoo (zoo keeper)
To contribute to the welfare of animals

Voice out

Singapore Zoo
Veterinary clinic


The past
Save the species!

Jungle Mambo

Music Playlist at MixPod.com